问:有的人头脑自动过滤UFO,Mind filtering ufos. 是无意识、潜意识负责过滤UFO、仙女、精灵之类的东西吗?Does the unconscious and subconscious minds that are responsible for filtering out things filter out ufos fairies elementals other beings from the conscious mind? 显意识能够接受什么受它限制。And limit what it can receive. 如果是这样,这是由于负面信念还是别的原因?And if so is it being due to negative beliefs or is it for other reasons? 巴夏:都有,可能是基于恐惧的信念在做那个过滤,Both, it can be for fear-based beliefs that it’s doing that filtering. 可能是显意识认为它还没有准备好,看到那些东西会引起心乱和不平衡,It can be something that the conscious mind believes it’s not ready for that would cause upset and imbalance within it to perceive those things, 因为它探索的主题,Because of its theme of exploration. 也可以是那个人还没准备好,时机未到,And it can also simply be that the being is not ready in timing for the idea, 也可以是这不属于探索的主题,And it simply can be outside the theme of exploration. 但是这些限制正在溶解,But again there are limitations there that are dissolving, 你们现在越来越能意识到这些存有的存在,这类意识的存在,有外星人,有外次元存有,有元素存有的存在,You are becoming more aware that these beings exist that these forms of consciousness exist that there are et beings that there are extra dimensional beings that there are elemental beings. 有各种面向的意识在不同的层面上与你们的星球有联系,There are different aspects of consciousness that are connected to your planet in a variety of levels, 因此这只是一个时间的问题,什么时候你准备好开放自己,溶解显意识、潜意识和无意识之间的障碍,直到它们可以在显意识中感知到更多周围一直发生的事情,And therefore it’s really simply a matter of when it’s the appropriate timing for you to allow and open up and dissolve the barriers between the conscious subconscious and unconscious minds to the degree where they can perceive more in the conscious mind of what is all around it all the time. 无意识一直意识到这些事情,就像高我一样,The unconscious mind is always aware of these things just as the higher mind is, 但它是一个存储库,压住了这些东西,But again it’s a reservoir that holds these things back. 因为潜意识从显意识的信念系统中决定了显意识准备好感知什么,体验什么,与什么互动,Because the subconscious mind determines from the belief system of the conscious mind what the conscious mind is ready to perceive and experience and interact with, 根据探索的主题和当时存在的信念系统。Based on the theme of exploration and the belief systems that exist at that moment. 问:好,谢谢。Okay, thank you. 巴夏:嗯。Yes.