问:好吧,关于与潜意识合作,Okay, and regarding working with the subconscious, 催眠已经成为一种探索和辅助医学的方法,Hypnosis has been a method used to explore it and assist medically, 它有用吗?Is it beneficial? 我们能否改进使用它的方法?And can we improve our method and use and how? 巴夏:和之前的问题一样,Again like previous questions, 对于那些被吸引去使用那个意识许可的人来说,它可以是有用的,It can be beneficial for those individuals that are attracted to use that particular permission slip, 对你们很多人来说,它可以非常有效,It can be very effective for many of you, 因为它确实帮助很多人探索集体主题,Because it does help the majority of people in the collective idea of the themes you are exploring, 从任何你执着的现实概念中解锁,to unlock from any particular reality concept that you may be holding on to, 真正能够放下它,And truly be capable of letting it go. 所以它可以是一个有效的意识许可,So it can be an effective permission slip, 因为它接入你们现实的集体无意识,Because it taps into the collective unconscious of your reality, 以及集体同意探索的主题,and the themes that the collective may have agreed to explore. 在很多情况下,让你可以相对灵活地摆脱它们,And lets you in many cases be relatively fluid with them or free of them, 所以是的,尽管如此,它还是一个意识许可,So yes but it’s still nonetheless a permission slip, 而且它可以更有效,And again it can be more effective. 你越了解它怎样是一种万能钥匙,可以解锁你生活中遇到的各种不同的锁,The more you understand how it can be a skeleton key of sorts to unlock every different kind of lock that may be experienced in your life, 同样这取决于那吸不吸引他们,But again, it’s up to the individual to decide whether or not that’s something that they will gravitate to that they are attracted to, 记住,不管怎样你们一直在催眠自己相信某些不一定真实的事情,Remember that you’re hypnotizing yourself all the time anyway to believe certain things that aren’t necessarily real, 至少暂时地,At least temporarily so, 所以在这意义上,为了有一个物理现实,你们所有人都受到不同类型催眠的影响。So all of you in that sense in order to have a physical reality are under the influence of different types of hypnosis. 问:好,潜意识是不是像一个通往更高意识的大门?Okay and is the subconscious mind like a doorway to the higher consciousness? 潜意识是心智的一部分,还是高我的一部分?Is the subconscious part of the mind or the higher self? 巴夏:它是心智的一部分,It’s part of the mind, 但是它又充当了物质显意识和无意识之间的媒介,决定了无意识和高我中的哪部分信息,物质头脑准备好去处理它了,But it is the part again that acts as a go-between between the physical conscious mind and the unconscious mind to determine exactly what portions of information that reside in the unconscious mind and the higher self the physical mind is ready to process, 所以潜意识就像看门人一样,在显意识觉得准备好面对不同的信念系统,准备好处理它们的时候让它们通过,So it acts as a kind of a gatekeeper the subconscious mind to let through whatever the conscious mind feels it is ready to deal with, 这样就可以放下负面的信念系统,in terms of facing different belief systems and processing them and letting the negative ones go, 所以当然,一切都是反映了高我选择的体验,So of course, everything is a reflection of what the higher mind chose to experience, 但是潜意识作为特殊的部分,扮演了显意识准备好处理哪些信息的看门人。But it is a specific part that acts as a gatekeeper for what the conscious mind is ready to deal with.