问:Could you tell me if I have a mission?
巴夏:Your mission? You all have one. The fundamental purpose of each and every one of your lives is to completely be who you chose to be, completely. Which means, start acting like it. Many of you can create any type of goal, any type of mission, any type of purpose within your life, but the fundamental reason that your life exists at all is to simply be this particular you, right now; because you will never be this you again, ever. So, fully being the you you chose to be is the basic purpose to your life, the basic mission.
You are one of the facets of the multi-dimensional crystal of All That Is. By fully being your facet, which means being true to you, and acting upon it, then you will form a full and complete reflection to everyone else, as to what facet you happen to be; so everyone else knows where they stand relative to you. When you fill yourself to the edges of your facet, when everyone else decides to fill themselves to the edges of their facet, then all your facets touch, and you become the one crystal. You follow me?
So, your “mission,” should you decide to accept it… (much audience laughter) …it is not so “impossible” you know… (more laughter) …is to do what excites you. Excitement is the physical translation of the vibration that represents the path you chose to be. It is your barometer, follow it. You get excited for a reason, excitement is a harmonic resonance that lets you know you are aligned with your mission. Follow it, trust that if you act upon your intuition, your instinct and your imagination and your excitement, you will always automatically, synchronistically, be supported.
Every idea comes complete, with all the ingredients necessary for the manifestation and the continuance of that idea. The universe does not do pointless things. Therefore, any idea you are willing to be, that is the idea your reality reflects one hundred percent, always. So, if you find that your reality, as it is, is not what you prefer it to be, then redefine the idea that you are, start living like that is the way your reality is. Take it for granted that you can trust that if you start acting like the reality, acting like the vibration you think is true for you, the physical universe has no choice but to reflect that physical reality to you. It reflects whatever you believe your physical reality is capable of being, and exactly to that level. All right? How’s that for a mission?
问:(Laughter) All right, thank you.
巴夏:Thank you.