问:I lost mymother behind the Iron Curtain, and I was very close to her…
巴夏: Lost?
问:Yes, she died.I couldn’t get her out.
巴夏:That does notmean she is lost.
问:Yes. I wouldlike to know what is happening to her.
巴夏:Time frame ofwhat you call physiological death?
问:About 56. I amguessing. The name is Helen. I think she died from hunger and probably cancer.
巴夏:As far as wecan perceive, and at this time it is only our perception, basically you arereferring now to an individual, still female, approximately 13 years of age. Asyou would say, reincarnated. You follow me?
巴夏:Our firstsensing or spanning of the timeline would be that the individual reincarnatedin the area you call Finland. If the individual is still there — it isprobable that she is not — but if she is still there she is on the verge,within the next two or three of your years, of working out all of the pastconnections to the other life in that area. Then she will move from that area,if she has not done so already. The primary focus may be either in one of threelocations — either somewhere in Europe, somewhere in your United States, orsomewhere in Canada. This is what we feel we can share at this time. Will thisdo?
问:Yes. Can yousee my coming back to her? I feel like there is some kind of great involvement.
巴夏:There isalways a great involvement. Do not forget that karma is completelyself-imposed. It is not something that is imposed upon you from outside. Butyou have always interacted very closely in many lives, many lives.
And you will find it is possible that you mayphysiologically meet again, and recognize her when you see her. But we perceivethat at this point it is not necessarily in the high end of the percentage.However, communicate with her you do quite often in your dream realities, whenyou are out of your body. You follow me?
巴夏:One moment…(long pause) … If you will focus — in your meditations, in your imagination– on a very slender 13-year-old brown-haired female, long brown hair tied backin a single ponytail. This may assist in bringing the vibration closer, andallowing more conscious memory of the communications you are having in yourdream state.
请稍等.. 如果你将注意力集–在你的冥想中,在你的想象中—观想一个非常苗条的13岁棕发女性,棕色长发扎成一个马尾辫。这可能有助于拉近你们的振动频率,也有助于你有意识的记住你们在梦境中沟通的内容。
Now, if you are willing to allow us, we can also sensethat there may be an opportunity for you to function as a non-physical guidefor this individual later in her life. And then after that, an opportunity foryou to incarnate together at the same time, in another life altogether — onceagain. For now this is what we can share.
问:By the nameof?
巴夏:This may onlybe an approximation. At this point we will suggest that you do not take usliterally, for it may only be representative of her energy, and it may not bethe colloquially naming vibration upon your planet. But our perception is thatsomething similar to what you would call Fria. Thank you.
问:Thank you.