巴夏:All right,I’ll say continue.好,请继续提问。 问: Good evening.晚上好。 巴夏:And to you,good day.你也是。 问:I’d like to thank you for the sharing you did with Judy concerning that conduit that sheand I built.我要感谢你与Judy建立的这个沟通渠道。 巴夏:We thank youfor creating it so that we could share it.我们感谢你创造它,让我们可以分享它。 问:Thank you. Andthe question I have — and the sharing — is one that’s going to be… (Talkingin the audience)谢谢。我的问题,分享,将是一个……(观众席上在讲话)。 巴夏:One moment!Each and every one of you remember that everything you hear this evening ofyour time applies to you as well, or you wouldn’t be hearing it. Apply it inwhatever way it works best for you in your imagination. There will be relativedegrees of applicability and different ways of applicability, but there are noaccidents. And remember: you are all one single event. And in a sense, you areall one single being, talking to itself through many mouths. Continue.请等一下!你们每个人都要知道,你今天晚上听到的这一切也同样适用于你个人,否则你就不会听到(这些内容)。在你的想象中以最适合你个人的方式应用它。在实际使用中可选择不同的程度和不同的方式,但没有偶然。请记住:你们都处于同一个事件中。从某种意义上来说,你们属于同一个存有,通过许多张嘴自言自语。继续。 问: This is anopportunity for everyone to take a look at where they stand on the idea ofjudgment.这是一个机会,让每个人都了解他们对“评判”的看法。 巴夏:Judgment –invalidational judgment; not the judgment of discernment.评判 无效评判 不带洞察力的评判。 问:Right.是的。 巴夏:We are talking about the idea of invalidational judgment. Continue…我们正在谈论关于无效评判的内容。继续… 问:Okay. I seemto have co-created a situation in my life, through my interactions with anindividual that I chose to take into my home and my place of business, who wasin a great need. And I felt that it could be a mutual learning experience…which it has…好的。我似乎在我的生活中共同创造了一种情况,在我们俩的关系互动中我他代入我的家庭和工作场合,(虽然看起来仅是)为了满足那个人的需要。(但)我觉得这可能是一种相互学习的经验……它已经… 巴夏:Which it is.就是这样。 问:You bet!当然。 巴夏:All right. Canyou simply, in general terms, now define the nature of the interaction? As weare assuming you are saying that it does not match what you would prefer it to.好的。你能简单地概括一下,你所说的“关系互动”的具体含义吗?正如你说的那样,它与你希望的不匹配。 问:Right.是的。 巴夏:Define thenature.请定义下这个具体内容。 问:The situationthat was created was one where I felt abused, slapped in the face, and…情况是我感到被羞辱,被打脸,然后…… 巴夏:We are nottalking about describing the personal interpretation. Describe the situationphysically. What is the idea? What is the idea that was put out? What do youbelieve is the idea that has not been met, in that sense? Not the idea of thepersonal reactions, for the moment, simply describe the nature of thesituation.我们不是在谈论个人的解释。描述物质身体的情况。这是什么想法?提出的想法是什么?从这个意义上说,你认为尚未实现的想法是什么?目前,不描述个人反应的想法,只是描述情况的性质。 问:Okay.好。 巴夏:The circumstances. What are thecircumstances? And what do you desire to change in the circumstances? Is it simplythe idea of the emotional interaction?具体情况。情况如何?你希望在这种情况下改变什么?这仅仅是情感上交互的想法吗? 问:The intensityof it. When I perceive that l am at one place, and I react in a way that Iactually didn’t imagine that I could ever react…它的强度。事实上,当我意识到我处在一个情况时,我的反应方式是我实际上从未想过我能做出反应的方式…… 巴夏:All right. Butnow you know you can.好的 现在 你知道你能(做出这样的反应方式)。 问:I know.我知道了。 巴夏:So are youtelling me that what you have discovered in this interaction is that you stillhave buttons that can be pushed?所以你是说你在这次互动中发现你仍然有可以按下的按钮(可以选择改变的地方)? 问:You bet! Yes.是的 你说对啦。 巴夏:All right.Well, now that you have discovered those buttons, do you desire to have thempushed?好的。那么,既然你已经发现了这些按钮(卡点),你是否希望按下(克服)它们? 问: No.不。 巴夏:All right.Then, now you can realize where those buttons are. You can redefine what iswritten on top of them. And now you do not have to find yourself reacting inthe same way. Yes, no, maybe?好的。然后,现在你可以意识到这些按钮(卡点)的位置。你可以重新定义关于他们的内容。现在你不必以同样的方式做出反应。(你的回答是)是的?不?也许? 问:Yes.是的。 巴夏:All right. Soyou have learned that; that’s one thing. What else?好的。所以你已经学会了,这是一个选择。还有什么? 问:Well toexperience something on an emotional level and a mental level, and for me tothen turn that into a physical symbol for the other person, in a reaction — tome is — I mean we are a synthetic being and…好吧,在情感层面和心理层面上体验一些东西,然后我将其变成另一个人的身体象征,作为一种反应——对我来说——我的意思是我们是一个合成的存在…… 巴夏:That does notmean you are not natural — just because your persona is a creation doesn’tmean that you’re not natural. Do not take the meaning that we have used,synthetic, in that sense.这并不意味着你不自然——不能因为你创造了你的人格面具就说你不是自然的。在这个意义上,不要过渡解读“合成的”含义。 问:No. I meansynthesized, integrated, blended, fused – that’s what I meant.不是。我的意思是合成、整合、混合、融合——这就是我的意思。 巴夏:All right.好吧。 问:That in themoment when I reacted physically, I actually was at least as shocked as theindividual I (– –?) with…在我物理身体上做出反应的那一刻,我实际和与我互动的那个人一样震惊…… 巴夏:All right. Hasit helped you to realign the definition of your integrity?好的。它是否帮助你重新调整了你对完整性定义? 问:Yes.是的。 巴夏:Do you wish tofunction that way again?你还想再选择这种方式吗? 问:No.不。 巴夏:Then don’t.那就不要这样做。 问:But I hadn’twished to function that way then.但我当时并不希望我用那样的方式。 巴夏:All right. Butthe idea is simply now that obviously something has been brought to yourconscious attention that you were relegating to your unconscious attention. Nowthat it is conscious, you can decide, consciously decide, why you used to reactthat way, and why you now no longer prefer to react that way. And that willmake a difference, now that it has been brought out in the open. Understand?好的。其实很简单,很明显,有些东西原来存在于你的无意识中,现在这些东西已经引起了你的有意识的注意。既然它是有意识的,你就可以决定,有意识地决定,为什么你曾经那样反应,为什么你现在不再喜欢那样反应。这是(和你以前的情况)不同的,因为它已经被带到现实层面了。你明白吗? 问:Mhmm.嗯。 巴夏:So all right.You have said, “It was a surprise.” Well, now that you have discovered it,apply it in whatever way represents the integrity you say you desire to have.Understand?那好吧。你说过,“这是一个令人震惊的事。”好吧,既然你已经发现了它,请以任何方式应用它来展现你所说的想要拥有的完整性。明白吗? 问:Yes.好的。 巴夏:And proceedfrom there. It is not an issue of the idea of guilt or regret. It is the ideaof now what do you do with the information you have discovered. Do you sitaround and berate yourself and other individuals, adding to the negativity? Ordo you apply it in a positive way — now that you have discovered you hadcreated yourself by that definition?然后从那开始。这不是内疚或后悔的问题。现在讨论的是你如何处理你发现的信息。你是否坐下来斥责自己或其他人,增加消极情绪?或者你是否以积极的方式应用它,现在你发现你是按照哪个定义创造的你自己的吗? 问:Well, I knowthat there’s a positive way for this to…嗯,我知道我可以用积极的方法…… 巴夏:All right. Nowunderstand and remember that at any given moment you are a different being. So,perhaps, there have been times when you did not contain that particular idea,but then having attracted a certain situation to yourself, you simply chose tobe the being that did. It doesn’t mean that you’re that being now. But now youcan examine why you chose to be that being that reacted in that way in thatgiven situation, so you can determine whether or not you will ever choose to bethat being again consciously. Understand?好的。现在理解并记住,在任何时刻,你都是一个不同的存有。所以,也许,有时候的你没有包含那个特定的想法,但是当你把某种情况吸引到自己身上时,你只是选择成为(包含那个特定想法的)存有。这并不意味着你现在也会这样做。但是现在你可以思考为什么你选择成为那个在特定情况下以这种方式做出这样反应的存有,这样你就可以确定你是否会再次有意识地选择成为那个存有。理解? 问: Yes.是的。 巴夏:You can beginto soothe and smooth the whole idea out, by first of all acknowledging thatthis was a co-creation — that you have attracted an opportunity to see thisaspect of yourself that you were willing to exemplify, that you were willing topersonify, to give you an opportunity to decide whether you wanted to personifythat particular aspect of the total being you are anymore.你可以开始缓和抚慰整个想法,首先承认这是一个共同创造——你已经吸引了一个机会来看到你自己的这一个面向,这是你想要经历的,你想要在人格中展现它,给你一个机会来决定你是否想继续在你的生活中展现那样一个面向。 So in that sense you can thank the other being forproviding that opportunity; and you can get on with the business of theexpression of integrity as you used to, and move forward in a positive way.There is no need for the idea of grudge.所以从这个意义上说,你可以感谢另一个人提供了这个机会;你可以像过去一样继续你通常的完整性的方式,并以积极的方式向前迈进。没有必要怀恨在心。 问:Mhmm. So anyinteraction, even this type, is always co-created equally between theindividuals?嗯。那么任何形式的互动,甚至是这种类型的互动,总是在个人之间平等地共同创造? 巴夏:Well, ofcourse. How could it be otherwise?嗯,当然。不然还有什么可能呢? 问:Well, that’smy feeling; that’s an issue that we’ve discussed. Not you and I, he and I.嗯,这是我的感觉;我们刚刚讨论的是一个重要的问题。不是你和我,是他和我。 巴夏:All right. Itdoes not necessarily mean that you each have the same things to look at. Butit’s always got to be a co-creation; it cannot be otherwise. It cannotbe otherwise. There may be different meanings in it for both of you, differentreasons for why it was created, different things you have to look at, differentapproaches you can take, different resolutions. But it’s still a co-creation,for your own reasons — even if your reasons are not the same, even if whatyou’re going to get out of it isn’t the same. It’s still co-created. Understand?好的。这并不一定意味着(从同样一件事情上)你们每个人都有相同的体会。但它总是共同创造的;不能是其他方式。对你们俩来说,这件事情可能有不同的含义,以及创造这件事情的不同原因,你们能看到的不同面向,可以采取的不同方法,不同的解决方案。但它仍然是一个共同创造的事情,出于你们自己的原因——即使你的原因不一样,即使你要从中得到的东西也不一样。它仍然是共同创造的。明白? 问:Mhmm.恩。 巴夏:Is this ofassistance?这样的回答有帮助吗? 问: Yes.是的。 巴夏: Is itsufficient?足够吗? 问: It’ssufficient; it’s just… I mean, I know I’ve been into the idea of integrity, andall of a sudden I do something — you know, I participate in this idea and Ijust…足够了;只是……我的意思是,我知道我一直在考虑完整性这个想法,突然间我做了一些事情——你知道,我参与了这个想法,我只是…… 巴夏:All right; allright. But again, do not use it as a self-judgment. Remember this: all of youhave existed in a civilization that has fragmented and fractionated you morethan you can even imagine sometimes. Sometimes you have created yourselves to beso many pieces and so many compartments, that you really simply have that manycompartments to discover about yourselves. Well, you are discovering some. Soapply it in a positive way. You don’t have to sit around in a daze just becauseit was unexpected.好的;好的。但同样,再次提醒你,不要将其用作自我判断。记住这一点:你们所有人都生活在同一个社会中,这个社会有时比你想象的更加撕裂和分裂。有时你把自己创造成如此多的碎片和这么多的部分,你真的只能通过那么多的部分去发现自己。好吧,你已经发现了一些。所以,以积极的方式应用它。你不必因为出乎意料的情况而茫然。 问: Okay.好。 巴夏: ‘Tis up toyou. All right?这都取决于你自己。好吗? 问: Is theresomething that you could share with both of us, because I’m going to share thistape with him?你有什么可以和我们两个分享的吗,因为我要和他分享这些内容。 巴夏: Some of it, to some degree, is a remnant ofan old business association. To some degree, there was a grudge; to somedegree, some of that steam is being released now, in certain ways. There havealso been, from time to time, familial connections that in that lifetime werenot worked out to either of your satisfaction.在某种程度上,其中一些是旧模式的残余。在某种程度上,有一种怨恨;在某种程度上,(这些东西)现在正在以某种方式像蒸汽一样释放。也时不时地,在这一生中,家庭关系无法让你们两个都满意。 问:And this is?Ha, ha, ha.这是?哈哈哈。 巴夏:You are nowgetting an opportunity — an opportunity to allow those things to workthemselves through.你现在得到了一个机会——一个让这些事情解决的机会。 There is no need to have a lover’s quarrel. Be it thateven though in this lifetime you are male and male; there have been otherlifetimes when that was not so.没有必要和自己的爱人争吵。就算你们今生是男生和男生;还有其他一些世并非如此。 问:Okay. Ha, ha.It’s clear enough. Thank you.好的。哈哈。这已经足够清楚了。谢谢你! 巴夏:One moment. Wewould suggest that you pick what you might call neutral territory for thediscussion — that you both define as neutral territory. All right?再等一下。我建议你选择你可能称之为中立的讨论——你们都是中立的。好的? 问: All right.好的。 巴夏:Thank you verymuch.非常感谢! 问:Thankyou.谢谢你!