I am from Bulgaria and I have a question for you please.Some Bulgarians have the belief that if someone is spiritual,Then he or she doesn’t have to charge money for the services they offer,And needs to provide them for free,like someone owes them salvation free of charge.which is total victim mentality,这些人给了我们耶子和其他灵性老师的例子,他们做事从不拿钱,These people give us examples jesus and other spiritual teachers who never took money for what they did,他们说耶子用鱼喂了成千上万的人,从来没有向他们收费,They say jesus fed thousands with fishes, and never charged them,So I would like to hear your perspective on this place.So and how I can answer this kind of provocations?First of all the references that you’re talking about jesus buddha what have you,These are examples of the potential in every single human being,So this is not necessarily a service that was being provided,It was a teaching example.So that others could be encouraged to be like these beings to do the same kinds of things,Because you all have those abilities,So as teaching examples, of course,They are not charging for that.但如果他们提供一种服务,像是我将为你提供疗愈服务,But if they were to provide a service like I am going to provide you the service of healing,I am going to give you a vibration that allows you to match that frequency,So you can heal yourself.我在训练你,用一种不同的方式教导你,为你提供服务给你机会去做一些你自己不能或不愿意做的事情,And I am training you teaching you on a different way on a consistent level of providing the service of giving you the opportunity to do something that you are either unable or unwilling to do yourself,And I am using my time and my abilities to do this,Because you are not necessarily willing or able to do it yourself,那么需要一个公平的交换,因为花费了时间和精力来给你能力,或者至少教会你如何赋予自己能力去做同样的事情。Then there needs to be a fair exchange for the time and energy spent to give you the ability or at least teach you how to give yourself the ability to do the same things.这与其他人所做的一次性教学例子,或者展示你的能力所能做到的是不同的,That’s different than what those other people were doing as simply a one-off teaching example or a showing of what you’re capable of,所以只有当别人为你付出他们的时间和精力来换取一些东西时,这才是公平的。So it is only fair when someone is giving you their time their energy to give them something in exchange.So that it is an equal exchange,因为你说过,你去找他们获取这些信息或帮助的唯一原因是:你认为你自己无法或不愿意这样,Since you have stated that the only reason you’re going to them to get this information or assistance is because you are either believing you are unable or unwilling to do it yourself,You’re asking them to provide a service for you,And there must be some form of exchange to allow it to be an equal exchange of energy.