Right, and that seems to interact with the idea of scarcity of resources that there’s so much competition amongst the human beings,For what they consider scarce resources.And there’s only a belief system that makes things appear scarce.So that goes hand in hand with changing our relationship with the planet.Yes, and changing the relationship with yourself.So one person here was asking,Can things like emotions and negative beliefs be passed down through epigenetics or epigenetics?有没有一种方法可以清除你的显意识所没有意识到的遗传的负面信念?Is there a way to clear the hereditary negative beliefs that your conscious mind is unaware of?It’s not that they are literally passed down,But the genetics can create a predisposition based on the theme you’ve chosen to exploreto absorb the idea of fear-based beliefs from those around you.Such as your parents, or your society, or your schooling, or your friends,They don’t absolutely determine that you have inherited it.But you may have inherited the predisposition to absorb those things,And therefore it still comes down to what you choose to believe by self-investigation,And knowing that you are completely empowered to decide what is true for you.So when an individual is in the womb,And they’re experiencing the environment as being whatever their mother is experiencing.What kinds of things are they absorbing during let’s say the last three months of their the pregnancy?巴夏:任何与他们选择投生到这个家庭里探索的主题比较有关的东西,Whatever is more relevant to the theme that they chose to explore by having chosen that individual to be born to,Remember that’s a choice too,And if they have a certain theme they would like to explore,他们会选择做一个至少能让他们易于吸收某些信念的人,这会对他们的人生旅程有帮助,They’re going to choose an individual that’s going to give them at least the possibility of predisposing them to absorbing certain things that will help them on their journey,Either to change them to overcome them or to live with them,There’s no accidents in that.