译者:Ashitaka阿西达卡传讯时间:2023年5月27日 问:你还说过,随着时间的推移,地球上的人类将变得越来越像人。And you also said something about that the human beings on Earth will become more and more human over time. 巴夏:是的,你们实际上还不是完全的人。Yes, you’re actually not fully human yet. 问:恩,我想知道你那是什么意思,Yeah, and I was wondering what you meant by that, 是人与不完全是人的区别是什么?What does it mean to be human as opposed to not being fully human?
巴夏:做一个完全的人意味着你明白一切都是由无条件的爱构成的,Being fully human means that you understand that everything is made of unconditional love, 你明白万物相连,You understand that everything is connected, 一切都相互反射,Everything is a reflection of everything else, 你也会照着这些理解行动。And you act accordingly. 问:是啊。Yes.
巴夏:成为完全的人就是你认为像Ji督、Fo陀、克里希纳等等的那些人,Being fully human is what you ascribe to beings like Christ Buddha Krishna so on and so forth,
是行为反映了你内在的神性。It’s the idea of the behavior that reflects the godhood within you. 问:是,Yes, 这可能也意味着我们的思维方式没有那么的区分。Yeah, and that probably also means that we’re not so compartmentalized in our way of thinking then. 巴夏:完全正确,你会更全面地作为完整的系统考虑事情,Exactly, you think more holistically more as a whole system, 这就是为什么我说你明白一切都是“一”,That’s why I said you understand everything is one thing, 从另一个角度看,我真的就是你,I am you from another point of view literally, 从另一个角度看,我就是你,I am you from another point of view, 从另一个角度看,你们就是我们,You are us from another point of view, 一个完全觉悟的人生活在这个真理中。A fully realized human lives in that truth. 问:是啊,非常感谢,老巴!Yeah, thank you so much bashar! 巴夏:不客气。You are so welcome.