问:巴夏你好,我是来自加那利群岛的奥德丽,Hi Bashar, I’m Audrey from the Canary Islands, 很高兴认识你!Nice to meet you! 我有一个关于无意识信念的问题要问你,I have a question for you regarding unconscious beliefs, 所以根据定义,我想我们不知道它们,So by definition i imagine we don’t know about them, 因为它们是无意识的,Because they are unconscious, 当我们与他人建立关系时,它们会变得有意识吗?Do they become conscious? while we are having relationships with others. 任何的关系,Any kind of relationship, 通过反射效应,让我们开始了解自己和我们是谁。through the mirroring effects so that we get to know ourselves and who we are. 有没有一些无意识的信念会在一生中都没有意识到?Are any unconscious beliefs that remain unconscious for a lifetime? 我问的这个问题是关于兴奋公式的,如果我们有时不能采取我们最高兴奋的行动,And I’m asking this question regarding the formula that if sometimes we cannot act on our best excitement, 比如换工作,For example for changing a job, 因为我们有个信念:我们不会在最兴奋的时候得到支持。And because we have a belief that we are not going to get supported in our best excitement. 那么我们该如何改变这种信念呢?谢谢你!Then basically how do we change that belief? thank you!
Well, again, yes.
对于第一个问题,是的,当然,因为关系的目的是得到一个反射,那可以告诉你更多关于你是谁,当然可以揭示无意识的信念,To the first questions, yes, of course, having a relationship, because the purpose of relationships is to get a reflection that tells you more about who you are can reveal unconscious beliefs certainly. 在人的一生中,可能会有一些无意识的信念没有被揭示出来,There can be a few unconscious beliefs that aren’t revealed during the course of a lifetime, 这取决于你如何对待你的人生,It depends upon how you approach your life. 但一般来说,如果你从积极的角度看待它,重要的信念不太可能会留在无意识中,But generally speaking if you approach it from a positive point of view it is unlikely that important beliefs will remain unconscious, 如果你愿意敞开接受学习为什么一开始那些信念是无意识的,If you’re open to receiving what you need to learn from why those beliefs were unconscious to begin with. 不相信你会被支持只是因为缺乏对事物运作方式的理解,The idea of not believing that you will be supported is simply a lack of understanding of how things work,
因为你一直都是被支持着的,Because again you’re always being supported. 你永远不会不被支持,You’re never not supported, 这只是关于你在什么方面得到支持,It’s just about what you’re being supported in, 所以这不是学习被支持的问题,So it’s not about learning to be supported. 这是关于知道你一直是被支持着的,It’s about knowing that you’re always supported. 但是支持会以你说的形式出现,就是你相信你会得到最多支持的地方出现,But that the support will take the form that you say is what you believe you will be most supported in, “你相信你缺乏支持”的信念本身就是在被支持着的,You can be supported in your belief in a lack of support, 所以你只要明确你的定义中你在哪方面被支持着的,So you just have to be clear in your definitions about what it is you’re being supported in, 但你永远不会不被支持。But you’re never not supported.