Pay attention to your emotions
Pay attention to your thoughts
Pay attention to your behaviors,
Because your behaviors, your thoughts, and your emotions are always the result of something you believe to be true.
So when you engage in any kind of action whatsoever
Pay attention to what you’re truly feeling.
If you’re honest with yourself, and it is truly being done out of integrity, out of alignment with your true self,
then you will know that your feeling is not excitement, but anxiety.
When it’s anxiety and you’re doing it out of anxiety or to fill the idea of an emptiness within you,
Then you’re doing it for a negative reason.
Find out what the negative belief is that would generate those feelings and change it and let go of it.
And then you will find that you don’t have those intentions, you don’t have those feelings.
You will be now acting on things only in a positive and an aligned way.
You just have to have the willingness to explore yourself honestly
So that you can truly admit and own and acknowledge when you do have a negative idea, a negative feeling
And not gloss it over and cover it up and pretend that it’s not there
There is nothing to fear about facing those things.
You will only discover more of yourself in the exploration.
The unknown only contains more of yourself.
That’s all it can contain.
So There is no reason to fear exploring the unknown
or exploring a negative belief that you might have as to why you have it,
Exploring it, and discovering it, and having a conscious realization that you have it
is what frees you to change it.
If you push it down and push it away or ignore it or bury it
Then it will only come back stronger next time. It will be even more difficult to deal with.
So it is The path of least resistance as soon as you feel anything out of alignment to deal with it and find out why it’s there.
It will always come down to something that you have been taught to believe is true over something else.